The Little Unicorn: An Adventure Through the Disengagement Dangerzone by Catrin Lewis
When did corporate communications drain of colour? We may be adults. We may be working in businesses. We may pretend we all like complex corporate lingo and business beigeness... but in truth. We don't.
Some people might read this and think it's a fairytale. It's not. It's a business book about a Little Unicorn and how things can be done differently. If you like to delight and surprise or if you're drawn to the unique and unexpected, this is the business book for you.
The Little Unicorn shares with you the magic you need to make your stories memorable and will spark your imagination on how to make your communications twinkle.
Watch Catrin introduce The Little Unicorn at DisruptHR London
The Little Unicorn: This Is Not A Fairytale | Catrin Lewis | DisruptHR Talks from DisruptHR on Vimeo.